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Here Jhesus turnyth aȝen to the women with his crosse, thus seyng,

Dowterys of Hierusalem, for me wepyth nowth,
  But for ȝourself wepyth and for your chyldyr also;
For the days xal come that thei han aftyr sowth,
  Here synne and here blyndnesse xal turne hym to wo!

Than xal be sayd "blyssyd be the wombys that bareyn be,
  And wo to the tetys tho days that do ȝevyn sokyng!"
And to here faderes, thei xul seyn, "Wo to the tyme that thou begat me!"
  And to her moderes, "Allas! wher xal be oure dwellyng?"

Than to the hyllys and mownteynes they xal crye and calle,
  Oppyn and hyde us from the face of hym syttyng in trone!
Or ellys ovyrthrowyth and on us now come falle,
  That we may be hyd from oure sorweful mone.

Here Jhesus turnyth fro the women and goth forth, and ther thei metyn with Symonem in the place, the Jewys seyng to hym,

Primus Judæus. Sere, to the a word of good;
  A man is here thou mayst se,
Beryth hevy of a rode,
  Where an he xal hangyd be.

Therfore we pray alle the,
  Thou take the crosse of the man;
Bere it with us to Kalvarye,
  And ryth gret thank thou xalt han.

Symon. Seres, I may not in no degré,—
  I have gret errandys for to do;