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Secundus vexillator.

In the xxxvij. pagent than purpos we,
  To Thomas of Ynde Cryst xal apere,
And Thomas evyn ther, as ȝe xal se,
  Xal put his hands in his woundes dere.

Tertius vexillator.

In the xxxviij.^{ti} pagent up stye xal he
  Into hefne that is so clere,
Alle hese apostele there xul be,
  And woundere sore and have gret dwere,
          Of that fferly syth.
Ther xal come aungelle tweyne,
And comfforte hem, this is certeyne,
And tellyn that he xal comyn ageyne,
          Even by his owyn myth.

Primus vexillator.

Than ffolwyth next sekyrly,
  Of Wyttsunday that solempne ffest,
Whyche pagent xal be ix. and thretty,
  To the apostelys to apere be Crystes hest;
In Hierusalem were gaderyd xij. opynly,
  To the Cenacle comyng ffrom West to Est,
The Holy Gost apperyd fful vervently,
  With brennyng ffere thyrlyng here brest,
          Procedyng from hevyn trone.
Alle maner langage hem spak with tung,
Latyn, Grek, and Ebrew amonge,
And affter thei departyd and taryed not long,
          Here deth to take ful sone.

Secundus vexillator.

The xl.^{ti} pagent xal be the last,
  And domysday that pagent xal hyth,