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ffor to morwyn xal be oure holyday,
  Than wole no man hym bery, I the plyth.

And yf we lete hym hange ther stylle,
  Some wolde seyn therof anow;
The pepyl therof wold seyn ful ylle,
  That nother xuld be ȝour worchep nor prow.

Pylat. Sere Joseph of Baramathie, I graunt the With Jhesuis body do thin intent; But fyrst I wole wete that he ded be, As it was his jugement! Sere knytys, I comawnd ȝow that ȝe go In hast with Josepht of Baramathie; And loke ȝe take good hede therto, That Jhesu suerly ded be. Se that this comawndement ȝe fulfylle, Without wordys ony mo; And than lete Joseph do his wylle, What that he wyl with Jhesu do.

Here come to knytes beforn Pylat at onys, thus seyng,

Primus Miles. Sere, we xal do oure dylygens,
  With Joseph goyng to Calvarye;
Be we out of thi presens,
  Sone the trewthe we xal aspye.

Joseph. Gramercy, Pylat, of ȝour jentylnesse,
  That ȝe ban grawntyd me my lyst;
Any thyng in my province
  [Gh]e xal have at ȝour resquest.

Pylat. Sere, alle ȝour lest ȝe xal have,
  With Jhesuis body do ȝour intent;