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Anima Christi. Come forthe, Adam, and Eve with the,
And alle my frendys that here in be;
To Paradys come forthe with me,
            In blysse for to dwelle!
The fende of helle, that is ȝour ffoo,
He xal be wrappyd and woundyn in woo;
ffro wo to welthe now xul ȝe go,
            With myrthe evyrmore to melle.

Adam. I thanke the, Lord, of thi grett grace,
That now is forȝovyn my grett trespace;
Now xal we dwellyn in blysful place,
            In joye and endeles myrthe.
Thorwe my synne man was fforlorn,
And man to save thou wore alle torn,
And of a mayd in Bedlem born,
            That evyr blyssyd be thi byrthe!

Eva. Blyssyd be thou, Lord of lyff!
I am Eve, Adamis wyff;
Thou hast soferyd strok and stryff,
            ffor werkys that we wrought.
Thi mylde mercy haht alle forȝevyn,
Dethis dentys on the were drevyn,
Now with the, Lord, we xul levyn,—
            Thi bryght blood hath us bowthe.

Johannes Baptista. I am thi cosyn, my name is John;
Thi woundys hath betyn the to the bon;
I babtyȝid the in flom Jordon,
            And ȝaff thi body baptyȝe.
With thi grace now xul we gon
ffrom oure enmyes everychon,
And fyndyn myrthis many on,
            In pley of paradyse.