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Anima Christi. Now is ȝour ffoo boundyn in helle, That evyr was besy ȝow for to qwelle; Now wele I rysyn fflesche and ffelle, that rent was for ȝour sake. Myn owyn body that hynge on rode, And be the Jewys nevyr so wode, It xal aryse bothe flesche and blode; My body now wyl I take.

Tunc transiet anima Christi ad resuscitandum corpus, quo resuscitato, dicat Jhesus,

Jhesus. Harde gatys have I gon,
And peynes sofryd many on,
Stomblyd at stake and at ston,
            Nyȝ thre and thretty ȝere.
I lyght out of my faderes trone,
ffor to amende mannys mone;
My flesche was betyn to the bon,
            My blood i-bledde clere.

ffor mannys love I tholyd dede,
And for mannys love I am rysyn up rede,
ffor man I have mad my body in brede,
            His sowle for to fede.
Man, and thou lete meyns gone,
And wylt not folwyn me anone,
Suche a frende fyndyst thou nevyr none,
            To help the at thi nede.

Salve, sancta parens! my modyr dere!
Alle heyl, modyr, with glad chere!
ffor now is aresyn, with body clere,
            Thi sone that was delve depe.
This is the thrydde day that I ȝow tolde,
I xuld arysyn out of the cley so colde,—