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But telle the trewthe, ryght as it lay,
            In countré where we goo.
And than I dare ley myn heed,
That thei that Crystes lawys leed,
They wyl nevyr ses tyl they be deed,
            His dethe that brought hym too.

Primus miles. Be Belyalle, this was now wele ment;
To this cowncelle lete us consent,
Lett us go tellyn with on assent,
            He is resyn up this day.
Secundus miles. I grawnt therto, and that forthe right,
That he is resyn by his owyn myght,
ffor ther cam non, be day nor nyght,
            To helpe hym owte of clay.

Pilatus. Now, jentyl seres, I yray ȝow alle
Abyde stylle a lytyl thralle,
Whylle that I myn cowncell calle,
            And here of ther councelle.
Primus miles. Syr, att ȝour prayour we wyl abyde
Here in this place a lytel tyde,
But tary not to longe, ffor we must ryde, —
            We may not longe dwelle.

Pilatus. Now, jentyl seres, I pray ȝow here,
Sum good cowncel me to lere.
ffor sertes, seres, without dwere,
            We stounde in ryght grett dowte.
Cayphas. Now trewly, sere, I ȝow telle,
This matere is bothe ffers and ffelle,
Combros it is therwith to melle,
            And evyl to be browth abowte.