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Maria Salomæ. My name is Mary Salome, His modyr and I systeres we be, Annys dowteres we be alle thre,— Jhesu, we be thin awntys. The naylis gun his lemys feyn, And the spere gan punche and peyn, Ontho woundys we wold have eyn, That grace now God graunt us. Maria Magdalene. Now go we stylle, With good wylle, Ther he is leyd. He deyd on crowche, We wolde hym towche, As we han seyd.

Tunc respicit Maria Magdalene in sepulcro, dicens,

Where is my Lord that was here,
That for me bledde bowndyn in brere?
His body was beryed rygh by this mere,
            That ffor me gan deye.
The Jewys, ffekylle and ffals ffownde,
Where have thei do the body with wounde?
He lythe not upon this grownde,
            The body is don aweye.

Maria Jacobi. To my Lorde, my love, my ffrende,
ffayn wolde I salve a spende,
And I myght aught amende
            His woundys depe and wyde.
To my lorde I owe lowlyté,
Bothe homage and fewté
I wolde with my dewté
            A softyd hand and syde.