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With opyn speche I xal me shryve,
  And telle to hem, with wurdys pleyn
How that Cryst ffrom deth to lyve,
  To endles blys is resyn ageyn.

Bretheryn, al blyth ȝe be,
  ffor joyful tydynges tellyn I kan;
I saw oure Lorde Cryst, lyste wel to me,
  Of flesche and bon quyk levynge man.
Beth glad and joyful, as for than,
  ffor trost me trewly it is ryght thus,
Mowthe to mowthe, this is sertayn,
  I spak ryght now with Cryst Jhesus.

Petrus. A woundyrful tale forsothe is this: Ever onowryd oure Lorde mote be! We pray the, Lord, and kynge of blys, Onys thi presence that we may se! Ere thu ascende to thi magesté, Gracyous God, if that ȝe plese, Late us have sum syght of the, Oure careful hertes to sett in ease! Amen!

Explicit apparicio Mariæ Magdalen.