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Jhesus. Why, in Jherusalem what thynge is wrought?
  What tydynges fro thens brynge ȝe?
Lucas. A! ther have they slayn a man for nought;
  Gyltles he was, as we telle the;
An holy prophete with God was he,
  Myghtyly in wurde and eke in dede;
Of God he had ryght grett poosté,
  Amonge the pepyl his name gan sprede.

He hyght Jhesu of Naȝarethe,
  A man he was of ryght grett fame;
The Jewys hym kylde with cruel dethe,
  Without trespas or any blame:
Hym to scorne they had grett game,
  And naylid hym streyte ontylle a tre;
Alas! alas! me thynkyth grett shame,
  Without cawse that this xulde be.

Cleophas. ȝa, sere, and ryght grett troste in hym we had,
  Alle Israel countré that he xuld save;
The thrydde day is this that he was clad
  In coold cley and leyd in grave.
ȝitt woundyrful tydynges of hym we have,
  Of women that sought hym beforn day-lythe;
Wethyr they sey truthe or ellys do rave,
  We can not telle the trewe verdythe.

Whan Cryst in grave thei cowde not se,
  They comyn to us and evyn thus tolde,
How that an aungelle seyd to them thre,
  That he xuld leve with brest fful bolde.
ȝitt Petyr and John preve this wolde,
  To Crystys grave they ran, thei tweyne;
And whan they come to the grave so coolde,
  They fownde the women fful trewe serteyne.