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Cleophas. Now trewly, sere, ȝour wurdys ben good,
  I have in ȝow ryght grett delyght;
I pray ȝow, sere, with mylde mood,
  To dwelle with us alle this nyght.
Christus. I must gon hens anon ful ryght,
  ffor grett massagys I have to do;
I wolde abyde, yf that I myght,
  But at this tyme I must hens go.

Lucas. ȝe xal not gon fro us this nyght,
  It waxit alle derke, gon is the day,
The sonne is downe, lorn is the lyght,—
  ȝe xal not gon from us away.
Christus. I may not dwelle, as I ȝow say,
  I must this nyght go to my ffrende;
Therfore, good bretheryn, I ȝow pray,
  Lett me not my wey to wende.

Cleophas. Trewly from us ȝe xal not go,
  ȝe xal abyde with us here stylle;
ȝour goodly dalyaunce plesyth us so,
  We may nevyr have of ȝow oure fylle.
We pray ȝow, sere, with herty wylle,
  Alle nyght with us abyde and dwelle;
More goodly langage to talkyn us tylle,
  And of ȝour good dalyaunce more ffor to telle.

Lucas. ȝa, brothyr Cleophas, be myn assent,
  Lete us hym kepe with strenthe and myght;
Sett on ȝowre hand with good entent,
  And pulle hym with us the wey welle ryght.
The day is done sere, and now it is nyght;
  Why wole ȝe hens now from us go?
ȝe xal abyde, as I ȝow plyght;
  ȝe xal not walke this nyght us ffro.