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That he was aresyn ffrom undyr here,
  Be holy Scripture the trewthe he tolde.

Lucas. Ryght lovyngely don forsoth this was,
  What myght owre mayster tyl us do more,
Than us to chere that fforthe dede pas,
  And ffor his dethe we murnyd ful sore?
ffor love of hym owre myrthe was lore,
  We were ffor hym ryght hevy in herte;
But now owre myrthe he doth restore,
  ffor he is resyn bothe heyl and qwert.

Cleophas. That he is thus resyn I have grett woundyr,
  An hevy ston ovyr hym ther lay;
How shulde he breke the ston asoundyr,
  That was deed and colde in clay?
Every man this mervayle may,
  And drede that Lorde of mekyl myght;
But ȝit of this no man sey nay,
  ffor we have seyn hym with opyn syght.

Lucas. That he doth leve, I woot wel this,
  He is aresyn with flesche and blood;
A levynge man forsothe he is,
  That rewly was rent upon a rood.
Alle heyl! dere brothyr, and chaunge ȝour mood,
  ffor Cryst doth levyn and hath his hele;
We walkyd in wey with Cryst so good,
  And spak with hym wurdys fele.

Cleophas. Evyn tylle Emawus the grett castelle
  ffrom Jerusalem with hym we went,
Syxti ffurlonge, as we ȝow telle,
  We went with hym evyn passent.