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The iij.^{de} day is made be my werkyng.
          Now make I the day that xal be the fferthe.

Sunne and mone and sterrys also,
  The forthe day I make in same;
The v.^{te} day werme and ffysche that swymme and go,
  Byrdys and bestes, bothe wylde and tame;
The sexte day my werk I do,
  And make the man Adam be name,
In ertheleche paradys withowtyn wo,
  I graunt the bydyng, lasse thou do blame:

fflesche of thi fflesche, and bon of thi bone,
  Adam here is thi wyf and make,
Both ffysche and foulys that swymmyn and gone,
  To everyche of hem a name thou take;
Both tre and frute and bestys echone,
  Red and qwyte, bothe blew and blake,
Thou ȝeve hem name be thiself alone,
  Erbys and gresse both beetes and brake;
          Thi wyff thou ȝeve name also.
Lok that ȝe not ses,
ȝowre ffrute to encres,
That ther may be pres
          Me worchipe for to do.

Now come fforthe Adam to paradys,
  Ther xalt thou have alle maner thynge,
Bothe flesche and ffysche and frute of prys,
  Alle xal be buxum at thi byddyng.
Here is pepyr, pyan, and swete lycorys,
  Take hem alle at thi lykyng,
Bothe appel and pere and gentyl rys,
  But towche nowth this tre that is of cunnyng,
          Alle thynge saff this ffor the is wrought;