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How sche was assumpte here men schul be pleyand,
            Preyng you of audience, now ses and tak hede.

Ces now youre blaberyng in the develis name,
  What, lousy begchis, now ye not se,
Owre worthy prynsis, lo! are gaderid in same,
  That are statis of this lond hye men of degré?
By there hye wisdom they shal now attayne.
  How alle Juré beste governyd may be,
And of this pillid prechouris that oure lawis defame,
  They schul ben slayn as they se or fayn for to fle.
            Wherfore in pes be ye,
And herkenyth onto hem moste stillyn I,
ffor what boy bragge outh, hym spilly I,
As knave wyth this craggyd knad hym kylle I, —
            Now herkenyth oure pryncis alle kneland on kne.

Episcopus. Now ye prynsis i-prest of the lawe,
  Of this demaunde responcyon I aske here anon,
Ys there ony renogat among us fer as ye knawe,
  Or ony that pervertyth the pepil wyth gay eloquens alon?
Yif there be, we muste onto hem set awe.
  ffor they feyne falsly oure feyth, hem preve I houre fon,
Sweche schul ben bounden up be the beltys til flyes hem blowe,
  And gnaggyd up by the gomys tyl the devyl doth hem grone.
            We may not won,
To sweche harlotis settyn reddure,
That geynseyn oure lawe and oure scripture,
Now let, sere pryncis in purpure,
            In savynge of oure lawys now telle on.

Primus Princeps. Sere, syn we slew hym that clepid hym oure king,
  And seyde he was Goddis sone Lord over alle;
Syn his deth I herd of no maner rysyng,
  And, lo, yif he hadde levyd he had mad us his thrall.