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Primus Episcopus. Wyth youre wysdam, sere, we are wel payed. Than ye knyhtis, I charge yow, beth arayed, And the turmentouris redy that tyde, When Mary is ded. And but she deye the sunere, the devyl smyte of here hed.

Hic est Maria in templo orans, et dicens,

Maria. O, hye wysdam, in youre dygne deyté, Youre infynyth lovnesse mad oure salvacyon, That it lyst you of me sympilest to take here humanité, Wyth dew obeschyauns I make you gratulacyon. And, glorious Lord and sone, yif it like youre benygnyté, Nouth to ben displesid wyth my desideracyon, Me longith to youre presense now conjunct to the unyté, Wyth alle myn herte and my sowle be natures excitacyon, To youre domynacyon. ffor alle creaturis in you don affye, And myche more owe I youre modyr be alye, Syn ye wern born God and man of my bodye, To desyre youre presens that were oure ferste formacyon. Sapientia. My suete moderis preyere onto me doth assende, Here holy herte and here love is only on me; Wherfore, aungyl, to here thou schalt now dyssende, Seyinge here sche schal comyn to myn eternyté. Myn habundaunt mercy on here I extende, Resservynge here to joye from worldly perplexité, And in tokyn therof this palme now pretende, Seyinge here sche fere no man of divercyté. Angelus Primus. By youre myth I dissende to youre moder in virginité. Angelus secundus. ffor qwyche message injoyeth the hefnely consorcyt.

Hic discendet Angelus; ludentibus citharis, et dicet Mariæ,