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Maria. God thanke you and so do I; Now I wyl dispose me to this jurné redy; So wolde God my brether were here me by, To bere my body that bare Jhesu oure savyoure.

Hic subito apparet sanctus Johannes evangelista ante portam Mariæ.

Johannes. A! myrable God, meche is thy myth, Many wonderis thou werkyst evyn as thi wylle is; In Pheso I was prechyng a fer contré ryth, And by a whyte clowde I was rapt to these hyllys. Here duellyth Cristis moder I se wel in syth, Sum merveylous message is comyn that mayde tylle; I wyl go saluse that berde that in vertu is moste brith, And of my sodeyn comyng wete what is the skele.

Hic pulsabit super portam, intrante domum Mariæ sibi dicente,

Heyl! moder Mary, maydyn perpetualle!
Maria. A! welcome, mayde John, wyth alle myn herte in specyalle,
  ffor joye of youre presence myn herte gynnyth sweme;
Thynke ye not, John, how my child eternalle,
  When he hynge on cros sayd us this teme,
Lo! here thy sone, woman; so bad he me you calle,
  And you me moder eche othir to queme;
He betok you the governayl there of my body terestyalle,
  On mayde to another at convenyens wold seme;
And now that gracyows lord hath sent me yow sone.
Johannes. Now, good fayr lady, what is ther to done?
Tellyth the cause why I am heder sent.
Maria. Swete sone, John, so wylle I anone;
Owre lord God sent to me an aungyl that glent,
  And sayde I schulde passe hens where thre were in one,
Tho I askyd the aungel to have you present.