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Johannes. De terra plasmasti me et carne induisti me, Redemptor meus, Domine, resuscita me in novissimo die! Now God blysse this body and we oure synge make.

Hic unanimiter benedicent corpus "In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritûs Sancti."

  The fruth that it bar oure soules schal save.
Now rest we us, brother, upon this pleyn lake,
  Tyl from oure God and oure lord tydyngis we have,
            Here must we belave.
Paulus. So muste we, John, as ye say; Thanne byde we here and pray, Besekyng hym of comfort that best may, Restyng here abowtyn this grave.

Hic vadit Princeps ad Judæos cum palma.

Primus Princeps. Ye Jewys that langour in this gret infyrmyté, Belevyth in Crist Jhesu, and ye schal have helthe, Throw vertu of this holy palme that com fro the Trinyté, Yowr sekenesse schal aswage and restore you to welthe. Secundus Princeps. I beleve in Crist Jhesu, Goddis sone in unyté, And forsake my maumentryes fals in here felthe.

Hic tangat credentes cum palma, et sanati sunt.

A! I thanke the, gracyous Lord, and thy moder of peté,
  Now are we hol of oure seknesse and of oure foule belthe!
Tercius Princeps. What, harlotys, forsake oure lawe?
Secundus Princeps. So hald I best the do.
Tercius Princeps. Hens fro me in the develis name ye go!
I deye, outh, outh, harro!
The wylde develys mot me to drawe!