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And alwey shulle whylle oure lyf may indure,
  As inwardly in hert it kan be sought,
          Bothe my brother and I.
ffadyr, I ffalle onto ȝour kne,
To knowe how we xul rewlyd be,
ffor Godys that ffallyth bothe hym and me,
          I wolde ffayn wete trewly.

Adam. Sonys, ȝe arn to spekyn naturaly,
  The ffyrst ffrute of kendely engendrure,
Befforn whom, saff ȝour modyr and I,
  Were nevyr non of mannys nature.
And ȝit were we al of another portature,
  As ȝe have me oftyn herd seyd sothly;
Wherfore, sonys, yf ȝe wyl lyff sad and sure,
  ffyrst I ȝow counseylle most syngulerly,
          God ffor to love and drede.
And suche good as God hath ȝow sent,
The fyrst frute offyr to hym in sacryfice brent,
Hym evyr besechyng with meke entent,
          In alle ȝour werkys to save and spede.

Abeelle. Gramercy, ffadyr, ffor ȝour good doctrine,
  ffor as ȝe us techyn so xal we do,
And as ffor me thoro Goddys grace dyvyne,
  I wyl fforthwith applye me therto.

Cayme.. And thow me be lothe I wyl now also
  Onto ȝour counselle, ffadyr, me inclyne;
And ȝitt I say now to ȝow bothe too,
  I had levyr gon hom welle ffor to dyne.

Adam.. Now, God, graunt good sacryfice to ȝow bothe too,
  He vowchesaff to acceptyn ȝow and alle myne,
And ȝeve ȝow now grace to plesyn hym soo,
  That ȝe may come to that blysse that hymself is inne,
          With gostly grace.