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Of hym I xal nevyr more han drede;
He xal hereafter nevyr ete brede,
          With this gresse I xal hym hylle.

Deus. Caym, come fforthe and answere me,
  Asoyle my qwestyon anon ryght,
Thy brother Abel, wher is now he?
  Ha don, and answere me as tyght.

Caym. My brothers kepere ho made me?
  Syn whan was I his kepyng knyght?
I kan not telle wher that he be,
  To kepe hym was I nevyr dyght,
          I knowe not wher he is.

Deus. Acursyd Caym, thou art untrewe,
And for thi dede thou xalt sore rewe;
Thi brothers blood that thou slewe,
          Askyht vengeauns of thi mys.

Thu xalt be cursyd on the grounde,
  Unprophitable where so thou wende,
Bothe veyn and nowthty and nothyng sounde,
  With what thing thou medele thou xalt it shende.

Caym. Alas! in whoo now am I wounde,
  Acursyd of God, as man unkende;
Of any man yf I be founde,
  He xal me slo, I have no ffrende,
          Alas and weleaway!

Deus. Of what man that thou be sclayne,
He xal have vij. folde more payn,
Hym were bettyr never to be sayn
          On lyve be nyth ne day.

Caym. Alas! alas! whedyr may I go?
  I dare nevyr se man in the vesage,