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Alas! fro gret syn man wyl not fle,
  God doth this vengeauns for oure gret trespase.

Uxor Noe. Alas! for gret ruthe of this gret vengeaunce,
  Gret doyl it is to se this watyr so wyde!
But ȝit thankyd be God of this ordenaunce,
  That we be now savyd on lyve to abyde.

Seem. ffor grett synne of lechory alle this doth betyde,
  Alas! that evyr suche synne xulde be wrought!
This fflood is so gret on every a syde,
  That alle this wyde werd to care is now brought.

Uxor Seem. Becawse of chylderyn of God that weryn good,
  Dede forfete ryght sore what tyme that thei were,
Synfully compellyd to Caymys blood,
  Therfore be we now cast in ryght grett care.

Cham. ffor synful levynge this werde doth for-fare;
  So grevous vengeauns myght nevyr man se;
Ovyr alle this werd wyde ther is no plot bare,
  With watyr and with flood God vengyd wylle be.

Uxor Cham. Rustynes of synne is cawse of these wawys,
  Alas! in this fflood this werd xal be lorn;
ffor offens to God brekyng his lawys,
  On rokkys ryght sharp is many a man torn.

Japhet. So grevous fflodys were nevyr ȝett beforne,
  Alas! that lechory this vengeauns doth gynne!
It were welle bettyr ever to be unborn,
  Than ffor to forfetyn evyr more in that synne.

Uxor Japhet. Oure lord God I thanke of his gret grace,
  That he doth us save from this dredful payn!
Hym for to wurchipe in every stede and place,
  We beth gretly bownde with myght and with mayn.

Noe. Xl.^{ti} days and nyghtes hath lasted this rayn,
And xl^{ti} days this grett flood begynnyth to slake;