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Secundum mandatum. "Non assumens nomen Dei tui in vanum."

The secund precept of the fyrst tabylle,
  The name of God take nevyr in vayne,
Swere none othis be noon fals fabylle,—
  The name of God thou nevyr dysteyn.
Bewhare of othis for dowte of peyn,
  Amonges ffelachepp whan thou dost sytt,
A lytyl othe, this is serteyn,
  May dampne thy sowle to helle pytt.

Man, whan thou art sett at the nale,
  And hast thi langage as plesyth the,
Loke thin othis be non or smale,
  And ȝett alwey loke trewe thei be.
But swere not oftyn by rede of me,
  ffor yf thou use oftyn tyme to swere,
It may gendyr custom in the;
  Byware of custom, ffor he wyl dere.

Tercium mandatum. "Memento ut sabbatum sanctificet."

The iij.^{de} comaundment of God, as I rede,
  Dothe bydde the halwe welle thin halyday,
Kepe the welle ffro synfulle dede,
  And care not gretly ffor ryche aray.
A ryght pore man, this is non nay,
  Of sympyl astat in clothis rent,
May be bettyr than ryche with garmentes gay,
  Oftyn tyme doth kepe this comaundment.

ffor ryche men do shewe oftyntyme pompe and pride,
  On halydayes, as oftyn is sene;
Whan pore men passe and go besyde,
  At wurthy festys riche men wolle bene.