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And aftyr that tale of Isaye,
  That mayd xal bere Emanuelle.

Ezechias rex.

My name is knowyn, kyng Eȝechias,
  The xj.^{te} kyng of this geneologye,
And say fforsothe, as in this cas,
  A mayde be mekenes xal brynge mercye.

Sophosas propheta.

I a prophete callyd Sophonye,
  Of this matyr do bere wyttnes,
And for trowth to sertyfie,
  That maydens byrthe oure welthe xal dresse.

Manasses rex.

Of this nobylle and wurthy generacion,
  The xij. kyng am I Manasses,
Wyttnessynge here, be trew testyficacion,
  That maydenys childe xal be prince of pes.

Baruk propheta.

And I, Baruk prophete, conferme wurdys thes,
  Lord and prince of pes, thow that chylde be,
Al his fomen ageyn hym that pres,
  Ryght a grym syre at domysday xal he be.

Amon rex.

Amon kynge, ffor the last conclusyon,
  Al thynge beforn seyd ffor trowthe do testyfie,
Praynge that lord of oure synne remyssyon,
  At that dredful day he us graunt mercye.

Thus we alle of this genealogye,
  Accordynge in on here in this place,
Pray that heyȝ lorde whan that we xal dye,
  Of his gret goodnesse to grawnt us his grace!

     Explicit Jesse.