Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/156

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they twisted my sermon given in the castle. I treated the pious history of the three virgins, and later they said in the court that I had traduced the virgins. In short, I found them a generation of vipers, wishing to do everything and able to do nothing, and considering it a spot on their glory if they leave a single word of mine unblamed. Despising these scare-crows, I wrote back to the prior to keep quiet and let me have my Cain and Judas. But Emser earnestly excused himself at the time, and lately, also, meeting me at Leipsic,^ he swore that he had not set any ambush for me ; I told him I scorned such futile fury. If they are so learned, they have ink and paper, let them publish something to show the splendor of their magnificent erudition. My sermon was on July 25, the day of St. James the Greater, on the text:* "Ye know not what ye ask." I animadverted on men's foolish prayers to God, and taught what a Christian ought to ask for.

I wonder what has happened to the Bishop of Meissen.' I suspect that he is finding out the truth of the proverb in Ecclesiasticus : "Honors change the character,"* to which we commonly add "rarely for the better." I never saw him, but I know he was formerly a great friend of Staupitz. Do not be surprised, Spalatin, to hear evil said of me. I rejoice to hear it; were I not cursed by men I would not believe that what I did was of God. Christ must be a sign* of contradic- tion, set up for the fall of many, not of the gentiles, but of Israel and of the elect. . . .

I confidently despise that man of little scruples who thinks I have become anathema. For as I do not fear those decretals, mere traditions of men (which my opponents fear, though they despise God without end), I shall boldly make war against them sometime. The wrath of the decretals does not bind nor hurt when the mercy of Christ protects. Would that this were

rare dassica] tuage. I believe the reference here is to the medieral "tririum" or primary course of studies.

>/. #., January 7, or thereabouts, cf, last letter.

'Matthew, XX. aoff.

sjohn VII. of Schleinitz, bishop since October 16, 15 18. Letters and docu- aenta about his visitation in Electoral Saxony isat-aa are published by K. Pallas in Arehiv fwr Reformmtionsgeschichte, v. 21 7^.

4'^onores mutant mor es r are in meliores."

^Lake, iL 34.

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