Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/167

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proved by the doctors of the Sorbonne/ as certain of our friends have assured us; for some of the most learned say that they have hitherto missed among those who treat Scrip- ture the same freedom that you show.

Francis Calvus,* also a bookseller of Pavia, a most learned man, one devoted to the Muses, has taken a good part of your books to Italy to distribute them among all the cities. Nor does he do it so much for gain as to aid piety. He has promised to send epigrams written in your honor by all the learned in Italy, so much does he like your constancy and skill. . . .

We have exported your books to Brabant and England.' We only printed three hundred copies of your Reply to Prierias. • . . We have sold out all your books except ten copies, and never remember to have sold any more quickly. We expect to bring out the second edition of Eras- mus' New Testament much enlarged, within ten days. Fare- well, reverend Father


Gess, i. 69. Leipsic, February 15, 1519^

At your Grace's written command, we have granted permis- sion to the honorable and learned doctors, John Eck and Andrew Carlstadt, to debate. Thereupon the said Dr. Edc reduced to writing his conclusions on Dr. Martin Luther's propositions concerning grace, in order to give public notice of the debate with Dr. Carlstadt at your Grace's university.

books in Spanish dominions is the condemnation of a Lutheran at Majorca in iS'S* H. C. Lea: History of the Spanish Inquisition (1907), iii. 4x3. Cf. infra, April, 1521, no. 443.

IC/. Tschudi to Rhenanus* Maj 17, 15x9. Herminjard* i. 47. On April 15, X521, Luther's works were formally condemned by the Sorbonne. Cf, Smith, op. cit., 453.

>Ca]yus is often mentioned in Erasmus' letters. On the sale of Luther's woihs in Venice, Pavia, and Bologna, cf. Pastor, History of the Popes (Eng^lish traaa* lation by Kerr), x. 306. Also Benrath: Reformation in Venedig, p. a, where for 1 518 read 1519. Also Realencyclopddie, ix. 524. On Calvus, Forstemaim- Gunther, s. v.

  • Cf, Oxford Historical Collectanea, i. 8 iff. Daybook of John Dome, book-

seller of Oxford, for 1520. Among Luther's works the following were then sold: Opera, 2 copies ; Leipsic Debate, i ; Commentary on Galatians, x ; De potesiait Papae, 6 or 7; Resolutions (for Leipsic debate), x; Response to Prieriat, i.

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