Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/179

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human prejudices; in short, to read Christ*s book under Christ's guidance. Farewell.

139. LUTHER TO JOHN ECK AT INGOLSTADT. Enders, v. 7. Wittenberg, April 5, 15x9.

I am writing again, Eck, for this reason. The most illustri* ous Duke George of Saxony has answered^ me that he would like to reply to my petition to debate with you at Leipsic^ provided only that he were certain that you and I agreed on- this point, for your letters to him had spoken of Carlstadt^ but not of me. Since Carlstadt is properly disgusted with your wily tricks, so that perchance he will not deign to meet you, and because you also having learned to dread the man's power, have yet deceived the duke, declining battle with one and challenging another, it is your duty to inform either the duke or me what you want to do, so that we may not let him longer be in suspense. Therefore, take care to send mc a letter* as quickly as possible, that I may seek full permis- sion to debate, for I already have the consent of the Uni- versity in writing. Farewell, and try to be a theologian instead of a sophist.

140. LUTHER TO JOHN LANG AT ERFURT. Enders, ii. 9. Wittenberg, April 13, 1519.

Greeting. I rejoice and congratulate you, reverend Father, on being one of those who bear the cross of Christ. Be a brave man; thus do we go, or rather thus are we carried to the skies.* We thank you for your gifts. You know why I did not come to your ceremony.* You should not condemn my silence so much as the condition of the road, which is such that we rarely or never have anyone going from hence to Erfurt. . . .

Eck has signified that our debate will take place on June 27; it will take place between him and me as you see by the enclosed paper. For Carlstadt will not debate with him on

^Supra, no 13a.

  • £ck apparently did not answer this letter. Cf, infra, no. 143.

'Sic itur, imo Tehitur ad astra. Cf. Ovid, Metam,, ix., 272, xr. 846.

  • K promotion of doctors at Erfurt on February 24.

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