Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/213

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den or Herzberg. He told me to notify you and all others that I could of his arrival ; please do the same. Eck is sing- ing a song of triumph everywhere. He has been taken hj Duke George' to Annaberg, perhaps to resuscitate indulgences there. More presently. Farewell.

Brother Martin Luther, AuffustiniatL

167. MELANCHTHON TO SPALATIN. Corpus Reformatorum, i. 103. July 29^ isi>

. . . Here you have Luther's Resolution* written, as yotf think, bitterly, but as I think, prudently. You see how he repels hatred and transfers it all into this fire-brand and author of the whole war. But I hope he will write more oa the other propositions and dedicate it to you. . . .


A Horawitz & K. Hartf elder: Briefwechsel des Beatus Rhenanus. 1886, p. 165. Heidelberg, July 30, 1519.

. . . Behold, dear Beatus, how vigilant are these wicked men, and how they conspire to murder, not Luther or others, but Truth herself. I have read Erasmus' epistle" to Elector Frederic of Saxony, deploring this. It was written from Antwerp, and made me suspect that he was so sick of the quarrels with the professors of Louvain that he had left that university. Certainly they are unworthy of so divine a genius. Smitten with grief on this account, I wished to write it to you, my only defence, hoping that you might have something happier to write back. We have little hope left here. One day when I was presiding at some stupid debates (for there is a great dearth of learned men here), I made some proposi- tions differing from their rules, and barely escaped stoning. My chief offence was that I defended the proposition that charity was commanded to our neighbor. Next to that was a proposition on divorce, which was debated fiercely.

iDuke George went to Annaberg to the con«ecration of a cburdi on Jnly a4t Eck following him next day. An indulgence was proclaimed on this occasion.

^Resolutio Lutheriana super Propositione sua Tertia decima de PotestaU Papa*. Leipsic, 15x9. Weimar, ii. i8o.

  • Supra, no. 141.

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