Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/392

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beginning of the world, when did Satan ever speak so impu- dently against God? What shall I say? The magnitude of the horrible blasphemies of this bull overwhelms me, and yet no one notices them. Many strong arguments have persuaded me that the last day is at hand. The reign of Antichrist is beginning to end.

Duke George rages against me with his sophists and the Bishop of Merseburg. I see that this disordered bull is breed- ing a rebellion, just as the Roman Curia ought to do. Emser has put forth his fury against me under the name of Thomas Rhadinus Todiscus;* now he publishes at Rome and now at Leipsic. They all take credit for the incredible fury of their insanity.

I shall not write privately to the princes, but shall publicly renew my Appeal," thereby summoning all Germans, great and small, to stand by me, and expound the villainy of the affair. Then I shall lay it to the conscience of each man, lest in the hour of his death he should be condemned for having obeyed these impious monsters.

I will do nothing with the Archbishop of Mayence, but I will approach Duke George and the Bishop of Merseburg with letters and with my German AntibuU when it is pub- lished, not that I hope to soften those hard spirits, but that I may satisfy my conscience in warning them of their danger. For it is impossible for those to be saved who either favor this bull or do not fight against it. The Lord and you will attend to the result.

Egranus told us the same about Matthew Adrian as you did. He has become my enemy, alleging as the cause that I have taught that good works avail nothing, but only faith. He has hardly been prevented from reviling me publicly. Finally, this man, most ignorant of theology, attacked and challenged me. He is useless and must soon be dismissed. Perhaps he will go to Leipsic to make common cause with Eck. The Lord's will be done.

The University of Erfurt, when imperiously summoned by Eck, refused to receive the bull, on the ground that it was

^ Supra, no. 316.

^/. e., the Appeal to a General Council, made NoTember 28, 15 18. Luther renewed it November 17, 1520, Weimar, vii. 74, 83.

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