Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/447

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I received my hundred gulden,* and I rejoiced the prior* with the money and more strongly with the Lord.

Farewell and pray for the Word, seeing this tumultuous tumult; perhaps this is the flood predicted for the year 1524.' Melanchthon greets you. Yours,

Martin Luther.

378. LUTHER TO SPALATIN AT WORMS. Enders, iii. 73, WrrrENBERC, January 16, 1521.

Greeting. Dear Spalatin, I send Hutten's letter to me, with the bull and other works by him, as you see, and also Bucer's letters, of which one, as you see, was injured when it reached me, perhaps having been rubbed by one of the messengers. I sent some pages of my Latin Assertion to you before, now I send the whole of it with the supplement. Do not think it bitter; the German translation will be smoother and sim- pler. I had to put in a little spice for Latin stomachs. Emser has risen against me; the Lord be my counsellor.

You see what Hutten wants. I would not fight for the gospel* with force and slaughter. The world is overcome by the Word,* the Church is saved, and will even be reformed, by the Word, and Antichrist also will hereafter, as formerly, be restrained without violence by the Word. I send my letter to the elector.* I read with grief the last letter of Charles recalling his former one ; what hope can there be there, when this is what they think and write? The Lord's will be done.

To-day I saw the Margrave of Brandenburg^ and other princes® for, wishing to see a man, •they siunmoned me.

U, e.t those left him by Schmiedberg, cf, supra, NoTember 13, 1520, no. 335.


The signs in the sky had caused someone to prophesy a deluge for the year 1524. References in Enders, loc. cit.

  • At about this time the word "evangelium" in Luther's writings began to take

on the meaning "cTangelic faith" or "evangelic Church."

fix John, v. 4f.

^Luther, however, did not write this letter until January 25; translated Smith, op. cit., 106.

TLuther means the Elector Joachim I., born 1474* reigned 1499-1535* now on his way from Berlin to Worms. He was a strong papist.

SAmong them was Duke Albert VII. of Mecklenburg (i486-i547)» who began to reign in conjunction with his uncle and brothers in 1503. When the land wss partitioned on May 7, 1520, he got the Duchy of Gustrow. In 1531 he tried unsuccessfully for the Danish crown.

80r "the man."

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