Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/488

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ing on our safe-conduct and not fearing any force or wrong. For we will surely maintain you in this our safe-conduct, and will allow you finally on it to come to us, in which you will do our pleasure.

Charles. (Seal)

Signed by the command of the Emperor : Albert Cardinal of Mayence, Arch-Chancellor, with his own hand

Nicholas Ziegler.'

413. SAFE-CONDUCT OF CHARLES V. FOR LUTHER. Enders, iii. 102. German. Worms, March 6, 1521.

We, Charles the Fifth, by God's Grace Roman Emperor Elect, at all times Augmentor of the Realm of Germany, Spain, both Sicilies, Jerusalem, Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, etc., King, Archduke of Austria and Duke of Burgundy, Count of Hapsburg, Flanders and Tyrol, etc.

Recognize: As we for good reasons have invited Martin Luther of the Augustinian Order here to Worms, that there- fore we have given him our and the Holy Empire's free safe- conduct. We promise him by our imperial power knowingly in virtue of this letter, that within one and twenty days he may come to Worms to answer this our letter and to learn our and the Diet's action on the same, and that he may return hence to his safe place uninjured and unhindered by us and by all men. By this letter we earnestly request all Electors and Princes, spiritual and temporal. Prelates, Counts, Barons, Knights, Captains, Provosts, Bailiffs, Wardens, Lieutenants, Officers, Judges, Burgomasters, Justices, Councillors, Citizens and Commons, and all other our loyal subjects in whatever office, station or condition they may be, to maintain this safe- conduct for the said Martin Luther, to escort and have him escorted on his journey hither and back, and not to injure or vex him, nor let anyone else do it in any way, under pain of

lOf Nordlingen, secretary under Maximilian, who in 1518 gave him a fief and used him in diplomacy. At this time he was Vice-Chancellor of Germany. He helped Aleander with the Mandate of March 10, and the Edict of Worms. He acted against the Reformation at Nordlingen i$»$. He died 1534. P. Kalkoff: Aleander gegen Luther, 24S,

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