Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/580

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��415, 44off-, 450ff^ 460. A^SU 47»f

481. 485. 504. 570. Enarratione<s Epistolarum et Evan-

geliorum, 469. Ende zum Stein, N. y^ 459f* England, 162, 164, 193, 295, 32 if.,

446f. Eobanus Hessus, H^ 121. Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, 37,

40, 152, 346, 410. Erasmus; D., 6, 32f^ syi^ 44-7* Sa, 112, 141, 159. 173, i77f^ i82f., 200, 208, 295, 276, 278f., 301,

310. 314. 3i7f 32S» 346. 366.

394f!., 422, 432, 434, 436f^ 51 if.,

568, 570. Adages, 72.

Aleander's opinion of, 457ff. Axioms, 460, 473. Dialogues of Lucian, 72, Letters, 121, 177^., 181, T87f,

i92f!., 234f., 238f!., 268, 304,

32if., 333^.. 342^.f 35Xf 355^-.

357^-. 370-6, 389^-. 400ff.,4iif.,

415, 448, 464f., 494f., Soo-3,

564-7. Luther's opinion of, 42, 54!!., 63,

68ff., 395. Method of Theology, 17 if., 177,

191. New Testament, edition of Greek,

162, 245. Opinion of Luther, no, 122, 134,

164, 220, 239, 296, 371. Against pubUcation of Luther's

works, 161, 355. Careff not if Luther is roasted or

boiled, 494, SOI. Intercedes for Luther, i79f!., i88f.,

39of. Nothing to do with Luther, i87f.,

355. 37iff-. 4". 4^9. 448, 470.

500. Prefers to see Luther corrected

than slain, 239f., 371, 401, 403,

494. 500. Wishes Luther had avoided tu- mult. 343f., 352, 403, 4ii,565f. Querela pacts, 72. Suetonis. edition of, 122, i77f.,

i8if. Erfurt. 74. 84, 98, 130, I74. 233.

362, 393. 4"f 422. 489. 504.

518, 523. Augustinian convent at, 24. 3of.,

36. University of. 21, 24, 3of., 64f..

85. 135. 207. 2i6f., 220, 229,

237, 264, 267, 274, 3"» 34«ff

��381, 387^., 41X. S18. Eschaus, Tn 339-

Wife of, 300. Eucharist, 119, 266f., 272f., 279, 282,

284, 293, 376, 477» 536, 539. Evangelista, 1 28. Excommunication, 118, 120, 308. 366,

384. 393. 424. 440, 456, 509- Bull of (see Decet Pontificem Ro-

manum). Exsurge Domine, bull (see Luther.

process against), 240, 345, 352,

354. 363. 369. 386ff., 391. 393.

40of., 405, 423, 425, 448, 458,

477, 482, 484, 494, so6f., 515.

52of.. 529. Burning, 6, 405. 4i4^-» 439f- Hutten's edition of, 349. 389!.,

414. 44if., 448, 560.

Preparation of. 6, 298, 306, 3i5f.,

324. 335f. Publication in Germany, 357, 360-6.

368ff.. 375. 379^.. 383. 387^..

402. 417, 424, 44S, 449f., 467!!. Extreme unction, 447. Ezekiel, 50.

��Faber, J., Dominican Prior of Augs- burg, 39of., 447, 449, 460, 519.

Faber. J., Vicar of Constance and later Bishop of Vienna, 3isf. Letter, 3i8ff.

Fach, B. F., 254.

Faith (see Jfustification).

Feige. J., letter, 537f.

Feilitzsch, F. v., 136, 361 ff., 367,

370, 394. 400, 403^.. 4"f. Feilitzsch, P. v., 523. Ferdinand, later Emperor, 276, 314,

330. Fisher, J., 235, 490. Flanders, 455. 457. 474. 562. Fleck, J., 569.

Florence, Council of, 426, 451. Fontinus, P., 221. France, 161, 164, 196, 220, 494,502,

521. Francis, St., aaof. Francis I, King of France, 236, 321,

357. 37a. 494. 496. Franciscans, asf., 192, 194, 215, 217,

22of., 342, 424, 494. Franck, A.,' 176. Franconia, 413. Frankfort on the Main, 142, 396,

425. 439. 498. Book Fair at, 7^. x6i, 164, 383,

497. 505.

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