Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/548

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Calendar of Carew MSS., 1515-74, cd. Brewer and BuUer. Letters of the Kings of England, ed. Haliwell, London, 1848. Voli: Henry VIIL Henry VIIFs love letters to Anne Boleyn, Harleian Miscellany, i, pp.


Helius Eobanus Hessus a profectione ad D. Erasmum hodoeporicon. Erphurdiae, 1519 (copy at Harvard).

Helii Eobani Hessi . . . et amicorum ipsius Epistolarum familiarium Libri IV. Marpurgi Hessorum, 1543.

Erasmi epistolae, in Tomus iii (two parts) of Erasmi Opera omnia, ed. Clericus. Lugduno Batavonim, 1703.

Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, ed. P. S. Allen. Oxonii, I906ff. (Three volumes to 1519, published by 1917.)

The Epistles of Erasmus ... to his Fifty-first Year, translated by F. M. Nichols, London, iQOiff., 2 vols. (The third volume was an- nounced in 1910, but withdrawn, and will probably not be published.)

Erasmi epistolae familiares ad Bonifacium Amerbachium. Basle,


Erasmiana, ed. A. Horawitz, 4 parts in Sitzungsberichte der phil.- hist. Classe der k. k. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien, 1878, 79, 82, 84.

Erasmus von Rotterdam und Martin Lipsius, von A. Horawitz. Ibid. 1882.

Briefe an Des. Erasmus, ed. Forstemann und Gundier, 1904.

Briefe an Erasmus, ed. Enthoven, 1906.

Hess: Erasmus von Rotterdam, Ziirich, 1790, vol. 2.

Nolhac: Erasme en Italie,' Paris, 1898.

Bellaria epistolarum A. Pelargi et Erasmi. Coloniae, 1539.

C. von Miakowski: Erasmiana, in Jahrbuch ftir Philosophic, Pader- born, vols. 14, 15, 1900-1. (Letters 1523-38.)

C. von Miakowski: Die Korrespondenz des Erasmus mit Polen. Posen, 1901.

J. Jortin: Life of Erasmus, London, 1758-60, 2 vols.

Akten der Erfurter Universitat, ed. Weissenborn, 8 vols. Halle, i88iff.

Lettere del Annibal Caro scritte a nome del Cardinale A. Farnese. Milano, 1807.

Die Korrespondenz Ferdinands I, ed, W. Bauer, Band I, 1912.

Aus ungedruckten Franciscanerbriefen des 16 Jahrhundert, ed. P. L. Lemmens. in Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, ed. Grev- ing, no. 20. Miinster, 191 1.

Germany :

Deutsche Reichstagsakten unter Karl V, hg. von A. Kluckhohn und A. Wrede. Miinchen, i893ff., 4 vols.

Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland nebst erganzenden aktenstucken.

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