Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/566

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��Hamburg, Reformation in, 449* 458- Hannart, J., 344. Hasenberg, J., 451.

Letter, 45 if. Hausmann, N., no, 210, 23of., 2S8ff., 298f., 337f., 36if-» 365» 376f. 381, 39af-, 4o8f., 420, 431. 451, 468£., 49»f-» S02£., siofl. Hedio, C.,.478, 495, 497, 499, 50i. Heerwagen, J., 17 7 > Heeze, T. v., 148. Hegenwalt, E., 211. Helmann, S., 59*

Letter, 59. Helt, C, 24, 38, 77. Hemertus, L., 401 f. Henneberg, William, Count of, 304. Henry VIII, King of England, 25f., 4if.. I3»ff., «39, 158, i6off., 168, i77t., 182, 206, 2i2f., 23 if., 251, 271, 333 ff., 387 f., 391, 396f., 400. Assertio Sept em Sacramcntorum, 16, 33, 4if., 54f.. 6if., X31, X39, J12, 271, 333» 375f. Letters, 160, 374". „. . Hereford, C. Booth, Bishop of, 29. Heresy, Suppression of, 241, 243, 246, 270, 447. 49 if., 5^5. (Vide also Civil Authorities.) Heresy. Death Penalty, 447- Hersfeid, 28^ ^7. Hess {vide Eoban). Hess, J.. 59, 470. Hesse, Anne of, 47. Hesse, Philip, Landgrave of, 47, 89, 39if., 435, 438ffM 450, 456f., 465. 476ff., 481. 483 ff., 488f., 493f-, 497f., 50 It., 504, 507ff. ^

Letters, 439^., 473f., 485f., 507n.,

Hessian Church Order (1526), 39if. Heyden, J. von der, 45a, 4620.

Letter, 452. Heyden, T. von der, 462. Hilarion, 494.

Hilary of Poitiers, 253, 269. Hochstraten, J., 395. Hoffmann, J., 434. Hoffmann, M., 433#. Homer, 177, 517. Honhof, J., 364. Hungary, Persecutions in, 260.

Huntinfft 53f>

Htiss, J.. 142, 360.

Hutten, U. v., 35, 41, no, 204f.,

228f., 234. Hymns, Luther's {vide Acht Lieder

Gesangbuch) .

Ibach, H., a8a.

Images in Churches, 122, 275f., 311.

Imoia, John of, 289.

Indul^rences, 63, 72ff., 76, 84.

Infallibility, Papal, 149.

Interest, 237f.

Itabfi Lutherans in, 431, 475f*

��Jerome. 139, 494.

Jespersen, j., 394.

Jews, Conversion of, iSsff.

Jonas, J., 76, 179, 206, 213, 261 f.,

264, 364, 411, 4i6f., 42on., 426f.,

468, 482f., 489, 494^., 503f-, 5i9,

52Jff. Letters, z^^* 403ff-» 4-28^, 497,

526f. Jonas, J., Jr., 417, 427. 429. Jorger, C, 361. Jorger, Dorothea, 36iflf. Julian the Apostate, 250. Julian of Eclanuni, 1^4. Justification, 200.

Kammermeister. S., 432. Karsthans, 36. Kaufmann, C.. 514. Kayser, L., 444. Keller, M., 367. Kern, J., 282, 304. Keser, G., 257. Knopken, A., 165. Kram, A. v., 385if. Krautwald, V., 361, 367.

Lambert, F., 151, 153, i63f., i9if., 391, 44sf., 464.

Lang, J., 80, ii5f., 34of.{ 526f.

Lang, Matthew, Cardinal Arch- bishop of Salzburg, 23, a02, 394 ff., 422, 435.

Lang, Melchior, 231.

Latomus, J., 34, 43, 395.

Law, Canon, 284ft.

Law, Mosaic, 222, 311.

League of Protestant Princes {vide Alliance).

Lee, E., 204, 210, 333. Letter, 354.

Lef^vre d' Staples, 44, 1^4, 355-

Leib, K., 509/.

Leimbach, J., 18^.

Leipsic Disputation (1510), 360.

Leo X, Pope, 32f., 38, 411., 6 if., 149.

Leo Juda, 259, 36in., 378.

Lettau. A. v., 152.

Letters of Obscure Men, 36.

Liberty, Religious, no, 122. {Vide also Heresy.)

Licre, N. van, 400.

Limperger, T., 164.

Linck, W., 60, 112, X29flF., X78f., i82n., 3^7fM 376, 387f. ,398f., 402f., 423f., 434. 443f., 446flF., 4^0, 4^2!,, 469f., 474f.. 503-

Lincoln {vide Longland).

Lindemann, P., 431.

Lippomano, T. Letter, 48of.

Liturgical Reforms, 259, 298, 34of.,

, .343. 365, 433, 486f.,

Livonia, Reformation in, 1641., i99f.

Lohmiiller, J., 165, 199.

Lollards (vide Brethren of the Com- mon Life).

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