Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/93

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relic! Only do not be terrified, but stretch out your arms boldly and let the nails go deep, and be glad and thankful, for thus it must be with those who desire God's Word. Not only must Annas and Caiaphas rage, but Judas must be among the apostles and Satan among the sons of God. Only be wise and prudent, and do not judge according to reason or out- ward appearances; do not be downhearted, for things have not yet come to such a pass as Satan wishes. Believe me a little, fool though I am, for I know these and other like tricks of Satan ; therefore I do not fear him, and that hurts him. Let the world cry out and pass its judgments ; let them fall away who will, even though it were St. Peter and the apostles, they will come back on the third day, when Qirist arises. The word* must be fulfilled in us, "Approving ourselves in tu- mults." I hope your Grace will take this well. I am in such haste that the pen has had to run, and I have no time for more. God willing, I shall soon be there; but your Grace must not take my part.

Your Grace's humble servant, '

Martin Luther.



Enders, iii, 292. German. (Lochau, end of February, 1522.)

This letter is undated, but was written after the receipt of no. 527, which makes the date of February 20 (C. R., i, 55^) too early; it was I u read by Luther February 28, immediately before his departure from / the Wartburg (r/. infra, no. 529). Oswald was the electoral official at Eisenach.

Instruction for our good and faithful John Oswald, to be communicated to Dr. Luther.

First give him our gracious greeting, and say to him as fol- lows:

My gracious Lord, the Elector of Saxony has received his last letter.* . . . Now he himself knows that the commands of his Grace have accomplished nothing in this matter, and have done far less, perhaps, than is right and proper in such a

1 II Corinthians vi* 4, 5.

> Supra, no. 527. A r^um6 of its contents follows.

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