Page:Lynch Williams--The girl and the game.djvu/62

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that there be limits to their powers. ["Good!"] Finally and most emphatically, we must teach all cowards that they are enemies to the progress of our glorious University! [Applause.] Mr. Chairman, I call for the resolution." [Many voices: "Yea! Yea! Question! Question!"]

The Chairman jumped up. "If there are no further remarks, the question will be put. All in favor——"

And then came a thunderous "Aye!"

"Contrary minded?"

"No!" shouted Stehman. There were not twenty voices that joined with him, and these were feeble.

The meeting was adjourned.

"And to think," said a post-graduate who had dropped in to look on, "that yesterday they couldn't have done too much for that boy. That's the way with undergraduate popularity." Stehman strode off to his room alone.

"Wasn't it rotten?" said Reddy Armstrong to some of the others. "Lots of 'em think he did this to stand in with the Fac-