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A morning Hymn.

<< \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \new Staff \relative f' { \time 3/2 \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  f2 a f | c'1. | f2 e c | f1. |
  f2 d c | g1 c2 | d bis1 | c1. |
  bes2 a f | bes1 c2 | d4( ees) c2.( bes4) | a1. |
  a2 c a | f4.( g8 f4. g8) a2 | bes g1 | f1. \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { A -- wake my Soul and with the Sun Thy dai -- ly Stage of Du -- ty run: Shake off dull flesh and joy -- full rise To pay thy morn -- ing Sac -- ri -- fice. }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  f2 f f | e1. | d2 c2. bes4 | a1. | a2 bes a4 bes | c1 e2 | g g,1 c1. |
  d4 e f1 | bes,2 d a | bes c e | f c' a |
  f e4( d) c( bes) | a2 c f, | bes c1 | f,1. } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Awake my Soul and with the Sun
Thy daily Stage of Duty run:
Shake off dull flesh and joyfull rise
To pay thy morning Sacrifice.

Francis Hoffman sculpsit.