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A Commemoration of Gods Mercies.
Solt ich meinen Gott nicht Singen.

<< \new Staff \relative c' { \time 2/2 \key f \major \override = #'classical
  d4 f8 (g) a4 d | d8 ([e]) d ([cis]) d4 d | f e d c | d8 ([c]) bes8. ([a16]) a2 |
  a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 f, | e f g g | 
  g a bes c8 ([bes]) | a4. g8 g2|
  \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
  a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 c | bes a g2 | d4 e f d |
  f g a a | f g a g | a b c2 |
  d4 d8 ([e]) f4 e8 ([d]) | cis4. d8 d2 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Can I cease my God from sing -- ing dai -- ly grate -- full praise to thee 
  Nought but Love so pure so ten -- der. 
  Mov'd that heart that com -- pre -- hends. 
  moves & ac -- tu -- ates its friends all that true Loves 
  ho -- mage ren -- der All things. to their pe -- riod hast 
  Gods rich Mer -- cies e -- ver last. }
\addlyrics { Who see dai -- ly all things bring -- ing to -- kens of thy grace to me }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
  d2 f4 d | a2 d | d4 a bes f | bes c f,2 |
  f'2 e4 d | c d c2 |
  c8 ([bes]) a4 g2 | \stemDown d'4 \stemNeutral d, g2 |
  f' a, | g4 f c'2 | d4 cis d2 |
  d4 bes a2 | d4 c f e | f8 e d4 c2 |
  bes2 f4 g | a2 d \bar "||" } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Can I cease my God from singing
daily gratefull praise to thee
Who see daily all things bringing
tokens of thy grace to me
Nought but Love so pure so tender.
Mov'd that heart that comprehends.
moves & actuates its friends
all that true Loves homage render
All things. to their period hast
Gods rich Mercies ever last.