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Martyrdom Revers'd or
the Lover's flames.

<< \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key d \major \override = #'classical \autoBeamOff
  \stemUp a4 fis d fis | a4. g8 fis2 | a4 fis d fis | a8 ([b]) cis ([a]) d2 |
  \stemDown d4. e8 cis4 cis | \stemUp b b a fis | \stemDown d' e cis4. d8 | \stemUp cis8 ([b]) a ([gis]) a2 |
  \stemNeutral g4 fis b2 | e,4 e a2 | cis,4. b8 cis4 d | cis ais b2 
  d'4. e8 cis4. d8 | cis ([b ais]) b ais8. gis16 fis4 | fis b cis8 ([b]) cis4 | d8 ([cis b8.]) ais16 b2 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Sa -- cred flames of love di -- vine In our hearts un -- tain -- ted shine Feed u -- pon our souls and let them to Love's bur -- ning stake be set O blest fires quick -- ly come We're pre -- pared for Mar -- tyr -- dom Bles -- sed is the soul that dies _ _ thus to Love a Sac -- ri -- fice. }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \key d \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
  r4 r a fis | d e d2 | r4 r a' fis | d a e2 |
  b'' a | g fis | d e | a4 e a,2 |
  s4 d g2 | r4 a8 [g] fis2 | a4 g fis8 [g fis e] | fis4 fis, b2 |
  b' a | g fis | d e | fis4 fis, b2 \bar "||" } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Sacred flames of love divine
In our hearts untainted shine
Feed upon our souls and let
them to Love's burning stake be set
O blest fires quickly come
We're prepared for Martyrdom
Blessed is the soul that dies
thus to Love a Sacrifice.