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A hymn to Jesus.
Salve Cordis gaudium.

<< \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key c \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical 
  c4. d8 e4 c | c8 b a4 b2 | e4. f8 d2 | c2 
  b4. c8 | d4 b a g | a2 b4. c8 | a2 g |
  e'4. f8 g4 e | d c e (d) | e4. f8 d2 | c1 |
  f2. g4 | e2. f4 | d1 | c1 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { 
  Hail my soul's true Com -- _ for -- ter hail my Ie -- su 
  hail my heart's In -- fla -- mer dear hail my Ie -- su 
  still my life's de -- fen -- der near hail my Ie -- su 
  hail my sweet -- est Ie -- su. }
\new Staff \relative f' { \clef bass \key c \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
  c4. b8 c4 e, | f f g2 | c,4 c g'2 | c,2
  e4. c8 | \stemUp b4 c d e | d2 \stemNeutral g,4. g8 | d'2 g, |
  c4. \stemUp d8 \stemNeutral e4 c | a' f g2 | c4 f, g2 | c,1 |
  d'1 | c1 | g2 g,2 | c1 \bar "||" } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Hail my soul's true Comforter
hail my Iesu
hail my heart's Inflamer dear
hail my Iesu
still my life's defender near
hail my Iesu
hail my sweetest Iesu.