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On the Approach of Death.
Freu dich Sehr O meine Seele.

<< \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 3/2 \key a \major \autoBeamOff \override = #'classical \override Stem.neutral-direction = #down
  a1 b2 | cis1 b2 | a1 gis2 | fis1 e2 | a1 b2 | cis1 d2 | cis1 b2 | a1 s2 |
  cis1 d2 | e1 d2 | cis1 b2 | cis1. | e1 e2 |
  fis1 e2 | d1 cis2 | b1. | cis1 e2 | d1 cis2 | a1 b2 | 
  cis1 a2 | cis1 e2 | d1 cis2 | b1 cis2 | b1 a2 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { Rouse thy Self my Soul en -- dea -- vor to for -- get thy A -- go -- ny }
\addlyrics {Christ thy Lord Shews now his fa -- vour calls thee out of Mi -- se -- ry All thy Cros -- ses now must cease He will give thee rest & ease Yea \markup{\concat{y\super{e}}} charms of heav'n -- ly plea -- sure with -- out end & \markup{\concat{w\super{th}}} -- out mea -- sure.}
\new Staff \relative d' { \clef bass \key a \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
  a1 gis2 | a1 e2 | fis1 gis4 a | b2 b, e | fis1 gis2 | a1 gis2 | a1 e2 | a1 s2 
  a1 b2 | cis1 b2 | a1 e2 a1. | a1 cis,2 |
  d1 cis2 | b1 a2 | e'1. | a1 cis2 | b1 a2 | fis1 e2 |
  a,1 d2 | a'1 cis,2 | b1 a2 | e'1 a,2 | e'1 a,2 } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Rouse thy Self my Soul endeavor
to forget thy Agony
Christ thy Lord Shews now his favour
calls thee out of Misery
All thy Crosses now must cease
He will give thee rest & ease
Yea ye charms of heav'nly pleasure
without end & wthout measure.