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those also of Matins and Lauds, but that his eng?ge- ment? had not allowed him the neceesary leisure for their translation, with the exception of a few ouly of the Matntinal hymna The want thus intimated, it has been the obje? of the present Translator to supply. How imper- foctly he has succeeded in his task, none can feel more thanhimself; yet, circumstances lmvingafford- edhim, during the past year, m? unlooked-for amount of leisure, he thought he could not employ it more dutifully to the Church (feeling, at the same time, strongly attracted to the subject) than iu an attempt to exhibit, for the first time in an English form, the eutire series of those divine Hymus, which, in their Latiu originals, have through ages been, and still eontlnue to he, to ceantless saintly souls, the joy and consolation of their earthly pilgrimage. The preseut ceatributiou to the existing store of Oathollc vernacular Hymns, ceusists of three portion? The first, and by far the la?'gest portion, comprehends all the Hymns in the Roman Breviary, including those in the Officia Sanctorum Angli?; the sec?d portion comprises the Hymus and Sequencez of the Roman Misaal; and the third consists of Hymns from v?rions seurce? Of these lattor it tony I?

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