Page:Lyrics of Life, Coates, 1909.djvu/118

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Apart from all,
"Child of the World's old age,"
Heedful of naught beyond the billowy wall
That closely girt her island hermitage,
She pondered still, with half-averted look,
The early lessons of the great World-book,
Nor cared to turn the page,

For a strange dread
Possessed her. To invoke
Aid of her gods she tried,—scarce comforted
That countless barrier-waves about her broke;
But when, with bold command, in Yeddo bay
A squadron anchored,—oh, prodigious day!—
The Orient awoke!

Though one long blind,
At first in fruitless quest
Must grope her course, yet, with enlarging mind,
She quickly clearer saw; and from her breast
Sent forth brave sons—of her new hunger taught—
Who, one by one returning, to her brought
The wisdom of the West.