Page:MALAYSIA BILL ADJOURNMENT (SUMMER) (Hansard, 30 Juli 1963).djvu/12

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whole, soundly based.

My hon. Friend the Member for Barry (Mr. Gower) was the only hon. Member, at any rate vocally, who supported the Motion.

Mr. Callaghan And now he has left the Chamber.

Mr. Macleod Perhaps he has started his holiday. Incidentally, it seems odd that the hon. Member for Nelson and Colne (Mr. S. Silverman) is not present while we are having one of these debates, though I gather that he is in another place.

Mr. Lipton Oh, no.

Mr. Callaghan Withdraw.

Mr. Macleod All hon. Members know what I mean.

I recall the hon. Member for Nelson and Colne saying that we always have these debates. "We always oppose these Motions, but we would be horrified if our opposition succeeded," he said, in effect. I believe that to be a sound doctrine and I hope, having done my best to answer the questions put to me and having given an assurance on certain other matters—such as the Welsh point, on which an answer will be sent as soon as possible, in the next 24 hours from the Ministry concerned—the House will agree to accept the Motion.

Question put and agreed to.'

Resolved, "That this House, at its rising on Friday, do adjourn till Thursday, 24th October, at eleven o'clock."