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trine of wicked preachers. Ps civ. 8. " They go up as high as the hills, and down to the valleys beneath." That the labourer is worthy of his hire. Ps. cxlvii. 8. " Who maketh the grass to grow upon the mountains ;" the mountains being the emblem of preachers, and grass of their means of support. Of the Resurrection : Eccles. xii. 4 " He shall rise up at the voice of the bird " that is, of the Archangel. For the Festival of S. Andrew : 2 Kings iv. 32 " Behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed ;" an allusion to S. Andrew's having suffered by being laid upon our LORD'S bed namely the cross. For the Conversion of S. Paul : Ecclus. viii. 1 " Strive not with a mighty man, lest thou fall into his hands ;" the reference being to our LORD'S Words, " Why persecutes! thou Me?"

12. It would have been my wish to adopt the same form as that of the original, and to print at length the first line of each text to which reference was made. But the size to which this would have swelled the present volume, making it an octavo of about 300 pages, rendered the arrangement impossible. One advantage will be found in the translation, the absence of which is a great drawback to the practical utility of the original, I mean the index. S. Antony's arrangement, although it be called by his editor " most excellent, and disposed in a most learned order," is rather confusing ; and one does not see any possible connection between succeeding sections in the same chapter. The account which is prefixed to the work, and which explains the contents of its five books, is as follows : " The first book treats of those things which pertain to the fall and