The Sheriff's Son
could n't go back along the road you came, why you could n't leave the road, and why you did n't want to go right up to Sweeney's office with the sack. It has n't given me any information about where you have been the past two weeks, or how—"
"My gracious! He bubbles whyfors and howfors like he had just come uncorked," murmured Dave, in his slow drawl. "Just kinder effervesces them out of the mouth."
"I know you 're not going to tell me anything you don't want me to know, still—"
"You done guessed it first, crack. Move on up to the haid of the class."
"Still, you can't keep me from thinking. You can call the turn on the fellows that robbed the Western Express Company whenever you feel like it. Right now you could name the men that did it."
Dave's most friendly, impudent smile beamed upon the superintendent. "I thank you for the compliment, Mr. Elder. Honest, I did n't know how smart a haid I had in my hat till you told me."
"It's good ye 've got an air-tight alibi yoursilf, Dave," grinned Pat Ryan.
"I've looked up his alibi. It will hold water,"