Page:Macaula yʼs minutes on education in India, written in the years 1835, 1836 and 1837 (IA dli.csl.7615).pdf/67

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Benares School Essays.—I think the samples very respectable. Siva Suhagur’s seems to me to be the best. It is very creditable for a lad of fifteen, who has been admitted only five years. I propose that we should give him a prize of 50 Rupees and 25 Rs. to the other.—[Book K. page 24.] 11th February, 1836.

Benares School-house.—By all means, if by making this application we do not bind ourselves always to employ the executive officers. Sometimes, at Agra for example just now, we may find it convenient to contract with private parties.—[Book N. page 9.] 7th May, 1836.

Benares College Library.—This is discouraging. But I trust that we shall have means to supply the deficiency. We ought I think to consider the windfalls which come to us occasionally from a new-made Rajah and so forth as a peculiar fund for the purchase of books.—[Book K. page 71.] 1st June, 1836.

The Law Professorship of the Benares Sanscrit College.—I have no objection to what Mr. Sutherland proposes about the Benares Pundits, unless indeed there be in upper India any qualified person not among the candidates to whom the situation might be an object. I should have thought that there would be many such.—[Book N. page 167.] 25th November, 1837.

Division of the rich from the poor at the Benares College.—I am inclined to adopt the proposition of the Local Committee without the reservation proposed by Mr. Sutherland. The dividing of the pupils into two classes, the one consisting of the rich and the other of the poor, must be a difficult matter; and, if society in India be not altogether in a different state from that which exists in Europe, must produce great evils.—[Book L. page 207.] 28th December, 1837.

Agra College.—I am no judge of the price of building in this country. But 10,000 Rupees for two Bungalows seems to be high. I think that we had better authorize an outlay of Rupees 8,000 and direct the Local Committee not to exceed that sum without a reference to us.—[Book K. page 27.]

Estimate for Agra College Bungalows.—It seems to me that we should act most absurdly in sanctioning this estimate. The house would have cost only 11,000 rupees. The bungalows, if I remember rightly, were preferred to the house solely on the ground of economy; and we are now called upon to pay for them nearly 4000 Rupees more than were asked for the house.

I would not sanction this expenditure. It seems to me impossible that all those members of the Committee here who are well acquainted with the Mofussil, and all the members of