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Som. What are they that fly there?

War. Richard and Hastings: Let them go, here's the Duke.

K. Edw. The Duke! why, Warwick, when we parted last,
Thou call'dst me King.[1]

"Suicide," says the Dissertation, "has also entered his thoughts; though this idea, in a paroxysm of noisy rage, is suppressed."

Shakspeare, vol. x. p. 297.

Macb. Why should I play the Roman fool, and die
On mine own sword? Whiles I see lives, the gashes
Do better upon them.[2]

This is the insinuated intention of suicide; and this fixed determination,

  1. K. Henry VI. 3 p. Act iv. Sc. 3.
  2. Macbeth, Act v. Sc. 7.