Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/167

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and even the bravest have a chilly feeling creeping down their backs when the enemy's machine guns beat their devil's tattoo. They shoot with amazing precision even at very long range, and they were splendidly served."

The U.S.A. Official Report on the siege of Port Arthur states: "Machine guns played an important part in the siege, being freely used by both sides. . . . The guns were used with telling effect against the Japanese in the numerous bloody assaults, being trained to cover all the approaches with murderous fire." These last words condense into a single sentence their tactics in the defence of a fortress.

The Russians used the Maxim of ·312 calibre manufactured by Vickers, Sons & Maxim, of London, while the Japanese used the Hotchkiss of ·253 calibre made at the Arsenal at Tokyo. The Japanese had 72 of these weapons at Port Arthur, immediately under the command of the Divisional General, viz. 24 guns with each Division.

The use of machine guns in the siege of a fortress will cover a far wider field than in the defence, and much that has already been written of their employment both in the attack and defence, of positions will apply to the attack on a fortress. It cannot be claimed for machine guns that they are as vital to the success of the besiegers as they are to the garrison, but that they often afford material assistance during assaults, in holding sap-heads and repelling