Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/249

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They may be employed to give effect to holding attacks or feints, by rapid fire directed against successive portions of the enemy's line; also to make good positions secured in the course of an action.

In the Defence

Para. 4.—It is more important to shield machine guns from artillery fire than to obtain a long range for them. Their position, therefore, should be always concealed, and cover from fire should be provided. They are best utilised to sweep with their fire spaces which are particularly exposed, but which the enemy is compelled to cross; to flank salients, cover obstacles, deny the passage of roads and defiles, or to guard the flanks of the position. It will be at times expedient to retain the guns in reserve until the enemy reaches effective ranges. In such cases, emplacements should be prepared previously and covered approaches provided. Machine guns may also be held as a reserve of fire to check the advance of hostile reinforcements, to meet turning movements, or to prepare and cover the counter-attack. When their retirement is not likely to be compromised, machine guns may be utilised in positions in front of the main line to delay the enemy's advance. In Pursuit and Retreat

Para. 5.—In pursuit machine-gun commanders