Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/265

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tube containing water, and the gun fires the same cartridge as the infantry rifle. It is regulated to fire 425 rounds a minute, and has a maximum rate of 500 rounds. It can be fired continuously with the automatic action, or intermittently. It is loaded by a ridged metal clip containing 25 cartridges, 10 of which clips are formed into a magazine. It is claimed that this clip is superior to the belt on account of the ease with which it can be recharged. The gun weighs 27 kilograms, which will be reduced to 23 in future manufacture. It is mounted on a provisional tripod, which is of a good pattern, but is said to be too heavy, and the weight is to be reduced to 20 kilograms.

The gun can be fired from any height above the ground by moving the legs of the tripod.

The mechanism is strong and simple, the range is the same as the rifle, and it is very accurate at all ranges.

The Perino machine gun was adopted on the recommendation of a Commission, who tested it against the Maxim and reported it to be more efficient.

They recommended the following organisation:

Organisation.—Four machine guns are attached to each regiment of cavalry and infantry, and two guns to each Alpine battalion. The detachments recommended are:

For cavalry: 1 N.C.O., 5 men, 7 horses, per gun.

For infantry: 1 N.C.O., 4 men, 2 mules,