Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/49

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useful to deceive the enemy into believing they are only opposed by riflemen, while reserving its full fire power until a good target presents itself at close range.

"Continuous" fire should be used in "gusts" or bursts of from 15 to 30 shots, a momentary pause being made to observe the effect, and, if necessary, to correct the aim. The great expenditure of ammunition caused by "continuous" fire renders its use only justified when the effect obtained is commensurate, and it should seldom be adopted until the circumstances justify it. But when a really good target is found at close range, the ammunition need no longer be considered until there is nothing left alive to fire at. Annihilation should always be the final aim of machine-gun fire.


Except under special circumstances, such as for covering fire or a demonstration, the battery will not move as such into position, but each section will be given its approximate place and move there independently, keeping touch, however, by signal or connecting files with the battery commander and acting in close co-operation with the other sections.

Positions are of two kinds, viz. (1) positions of observation, (2) positions of readiness.

The position of observation will usually precede the position of readiness, and the principal