Page:Mad pranks of Tom Tram, son in law to Mother Winter.pdf/17

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ter; and for children, we ſhall beget every year a generation of Almanacks. So they went to the parſon and were married; but they fell out ſo extremely, that ſhe ſcolded all the ſummer ſeaſon; and Tom he drank good ale, and told old tales all the winter time, and ſo they could never but thrived all the year through. Tom lived by god ale, and his wife by eating oatmeal; and when Tom went to be drunk in the morning, ſhe put oatmeal in the ale, and made caudle with muſtard inſtead of eggs, which bit Tom ſo by the noſe, that it would run water; but the next day he would be drunk again.


How Tom used a ſinging man of a Cathedral Church in the Weſt.

ONCE there was a cathedral ſinging man that had very much anger'd Tom, and had made ſings and juſts upon him; whereupn Tom got upon his back an ox-hide, with the horns ſet upon his head, and ſo lay in a hedge bottom, waiting till the ſinging man came by, who he was ſure muſt paſs that way: at laſt came the ſinging man, upſtarted Tom out of the hedge bottom in his ox-hide, and followed him: